
Scrub-a-dub-dub, Bodie’s in the tub!

First we bagged up his leg since we still can’t get his stitches wet.  Our method worked really well since his leg gets skinny at the top, above his stitches.  A little rubber band around there, and he’s got himself a shower cap, for his leg.

Then it was into the tub for the Bodester.

 Of course there was an attempt to escape…

Some yummy smelling bubbles and he’s as good as new!  Minus the gimpy leg of course, but we’re working on that.

After some admiring of himself in the mirror, we both believe he’s all ready for our special guest this weekend!

15 thoughts on “Scrub-a-dub-dub

  1. Oh Bodie…..I’m so so sorry you had to have a bath. Now you’ll have to go out and find some good stuff to roll in so you can get back to normal again. Peeps! What they come up with for amusement really scares me.

    • He’s got a fractured femur from being hit by a car, and some road rash.. . He’s got pins in his bone, so hopefully once the pins come out, he’ll be (almost) as good as new!!!

  2. He is just adorable. I love the way he’s resting his head on the edge of the tub — or is he just trying to come up with an escape plan? Looks like you guys are doing a great job with him.

  3. Lol love the look on his face while he was in the tub. It’s like the worst thing in the world to be clean. Ours does the same thing he looks so pitiful.

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